After a difficult few months we are pleased to advise that the ferry operators in Dover are close to offering a full capacity on the Dover – Calais route.
DFDS are operating a timetable of 15 round trips per day between Dover and Calais with 3 vessels Cote d’Opale, Cote des Dunes and Cote des Flandres, while providing a further 12 on their Dover – Dunkerque service with Delft Seaways, Dunkerque Seaways and and Dover Seaways.
Irish Ferries now have 3 vessels, Isle of Innishmore, Isle of Inisheer and Isle of Innisfree on the route and are offering 15 round trips on Dover – Calais also.
P&O are currently offering 13 round trips per day between Dover and Calais but we have received notification that, with effect from 13th June, they will be increasing this to 15 round trips per day with their 3 vessels Pride of Kent, Pride of Canterbury and Spirit of Britain and we are advised that Spirit of France will rejoin the service in the next few weeks to increase capacity further.
Hopefully, this additional capacity will allow us to see the end of the traffic problems that have plagued Dover over the past few months.