This page was updated on 9th January 2023.
One of our mottos at Harbour Shipping is "Embrace Change". That's because we know change is inevitable in our industry and we prefer to be leading rather than lagging behind.
CDS Imports in 2022
During 2022 we introduced, trained and successfully implemented new software and protocols to use HMRC's new Customs Declarations Service (CDS) for imports. We've experienced enough of these rollouts over the decades to take this one in our collective stride even though it created a few headaches along the way! Imports are now nearly 100% in CDS, and that is no mean feat because CDS struggles to cope with some of our more unusual jobs. We've been working with HMRC's developer and support team to flag and snag errors and omissions in the system to help improve it for everyone.
CDS Exports in 2023
Embracing change means we've also been developing our skills with exports on CDS. Currently we don't have to do this, particularly as HMRC postponed the changeover to CDS exports from Spring 2023 to November 2023. However we're already doing exports that don't require inventory-linking. Like with imports, we've been working with HMRC's developer and support team to flag and snag errors and omissions in the system to help improve it for everyone.
Update from October 2022
Our Customs Clearance teams have been working tirelessly to embrace HMRC's Customs change from CHIEF to CDS from an import perspective. We are happy to report we have now successfully entered and cleared many thousands of import consignments and are now using it as standard across all our Customs Clearance teams and accounts.
To move forwards together we still need importers and agents to embrace CDS and get themselves registered.
HMRC have shared with us a number of useful YouTube tutorials which we encourage you to review.
How to subscribe to the Customs Declaration Service:
How to set up a Direct Debit instruction on the Customs Declaration Service (one signature):
How to set up a Direct Debit instruction on the Customer Declaration Service (multiple signatures):
How to set up a standing authority on the Customs Declaration Service (one signature):
How to use the secure file upload service on the Customs Declaration Service:
If you hold a Deferment Account it is important that Harbour Shipping is given Standing Authority to utilise that Deferment Account. Giving this Standing Authority will further support our CDS Migration. As we declare on your behalf and use your Duty Deferment Account (DDA), you will need to authorise a new DDI for CDS. The reasons are:
- To make declarations on your behalf and use your DDA, a new CDS DDI is required
- The CDS DDI is separate from the existing CHIEF DDI simply because CHIEF & CDS use 2 separate bank accounts (therefore the same DDI cannot be used)
- The same DDA will be used, and the same liability will not be taken twice
- This has no impact on current CHIEF payments.
The link for CDS Registration is:
Once registered, you can complete the CDS DDI for your DDA using this link:
For more information contact one of our team on Tel: 01304 211 919 or [email protected]
#Cds #CustomsClearance #HMRC