How and Why We're Celebrating 40 Years in 2023
During 2023 we at Harbour Shipping were proud to celebrate our 40th Anniversary Year. This year more than most we honoured the past as well as embracing the future.
Continuity and Change
The Harbour Shipping Ltd that our Chairman founded back in 1983 is recognisable today, not least because many of our key and senior staff have devoted their lives to the company and our clients. Our many long-serving staff provide an exceptional source of expert knowledge and continuity across all our teams.
The company is recognisable but we have of course changed immensely through our five decades, both adapting to continuous changes and leading our industry through some turbulent times as the world around us has changed.
Lots Coming Up in 2023
This year we commemorated our 40 years in various ways. The highlight was our 40th Anniversary event in June which brought nearly all our colleagues together under one roof to celebrate in style. Throughout the year beginning in January we posted on our website and on social media, focusing on one year from 1983 for forty weeks until 2023. And we did much more besides in addition to our regular updates and posts.
For some people 1983 might seem ancient history but for older colleagues it’s a memory of youth, and an opportunity to share youthful memories with younger colleagues. The same is true of each year in turn: an opportunity to honour former colleagues and understand how the company, the business and our people have changed, adapted and grown.
Harbour Shipping in the 1980s
Harbour Shipping in the 1990s
Harbour Shipping in the 2000s
Harbour Shipping in the 2010s
Harbour Shipping in the 2020s
People, Places, Events and Technology
We looked at these 40 years through the themes of people, places, events and technology, covering a sweep of history from local in Dover to national, European and international. We’ll share photos and memories where we can. Towards the end of the year we’ll also look towards the future for Harbour Shipping and our industry in 2024 and beyond.
We'd like to thank you for following our journey through history this year. Check our website for updates, follow us on social media channels such as LinkedIn or just get in touch with your memories.